Brief Overview On Meta Search Engines?

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Brief Overview On Meta Search Engines?


Search engines, search directories, and hybrids of the two are not the only search game on the Internet. Another search tool that many people like to use are meta search engines. Meta search. engines are search engines that search other search engines.



One of the better known meta search engines on the Web is DogPile ( If you conduct a search on DogPile, you’ll receive results for that search from more than half a dozen different search engines. Nifty, right? But how do you apply that to your SEO efforts?



One of the criteria that meta search engines use when searching other search engines is the meta data that’s included in your site. Keywords and many other aspects that you’ll optimize for are also criteria that meta search engines use. So, if you’re optimizing for search engines, you should auto- matically be optimizing for meta search engines.



Meta search engines also do not behave like regular search engines. These search engines do not include a database of possible results; rather, a meta search engine pulls the results together from other search engines – effectively aggregating them and then returns only the top search results. The concept is that collecting the top results from many different search engines will help users to find the results they’re looking for much faster.



Don’t discount the impact that meta search engines can have on your site traffic. Although meta search engines are not as popular as some search engines, many people use them, and they have the potential to drive significant amounts of traffic to your web site.

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