How To Add Social Media Optimiztion?

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How To Add Social Media Optimiztion?

Ask any child over the age of 10 what MySpace is, and you’ll get a pretty good description. During the conversation, you’ll also probably hear other places like Flickr, FaceBook, ShoutLife, YouTube, Twitter, and Jaiku. These are all examples of the different social networks that have become an Internet phenomenon over the past few years.



Social networks are groups of people who are linked by some type of connec- tion. MySpace is a social network where friends-people who know each other-connect. New friends come into the mix. Friends’ friends come into the mix, and eventually you have a network of people (shown in Figure 18-1) who may not know each other in the real world but are connected on the Internet.



The phenomenon part of the social network is how quickly people have adopted it. And using the connections made available by social network- ing, the category of social media has grown nearly as quickly.



Social media are contents generated by social networking. The publishing mode for social media is many-to-many publishing. What this means is that a group of people publish a work or works that are distributed to another group, or several groups, of people.



Literally defined, social media are the technologies and practices that people use to share content, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives, and multi- media. These technologies and practices can be translated into all different kinds of social networking. Table 18-1 is a short list of some of the types of social media and social networking available.



Social media, then, are services that allow you to publish or distribute content to a core group of people who are connected according to some central interest. If you’ve ever heard the term Web 2.0, then you’ve heard someone talking about technologies such as social media.



The concept of Web 2.0 is that the next generation of web-based services will be structured differ- ently than those in the past. It’s not about new technologies, really. Instead, Web 2.0 is about the way that people will interact with the Web.



In the past, it was pretty straightforward. You went to a web site, saw what there was to see, and then if you liked it you talked to your friends or sent them an e-mail that included a link. Web 2.0 is about streamlining that process and taking advantage of the connections that the Internet enables. Specifically, Web 2.0 is about using the Web as an application. This means that many social-media sites are considered Web 2.0 sites, but not all Web 2.0 sites are social networks.



Now, when you find something you like online, sure, you can send your friends an e-mail or you can distribute it using one of the social-networking services. This allows you to stay connected with your friends, streamlines the connection to those friends, adds new friends to the network, and makes it possible for you to receive items of interest from them as well.



In short, social networking and social media are all about one thing: communicating with your friends about common interests. People want to classify the Web. These technologies allow them to do just that rather than depending on someone else’s classification who doesn’t see the world the way they do.



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