How to Increase Keyword Success For SEO
It would seem that picking out the right keywords and then employing them in keyword advertisements would be an easy enough task. But don’t let the simplicity of the concept fool you. There is much to learn about how to use your keywords effectively to draw traffic to your web site.
web-site owners or designers make is to assume that once the site is properly tagged and seeded with keywords, their work is finished. It’s not. There’s more to do. You can’t just throw your keywords into PPC advertisements and expect them to do well. There’s a fine science to writ- ing the ad.
Then, when site visitors do see your ad and they click it to go to your site, what’s going to greet them? Your landing page is as important as the text that you place in your advertisement. And sometimes, choosing the right adver- tisement text, based on the right keywords, requires some comparison testing.
Keyword advertising is not a simple process. It’s also not a process that you can do once and forget about. To be truly effective, you should be working with your keywords all the time. Only through regular, consistent attention can you increase your keyword success and maximize the return on your key- word investment.
Return on investment (ROI) is a term that you’ll hear frequently associated with keyword advertising (and most other types of advertising and technology, but we’re not interested in those right now). There is more detailed information in Chapter 9 about PPC ROI, but for now you should understand that PPC advertising is getting more and more expensive.
It is by no means as expensive as more traditional methods of advertising have been. If you have a small advertising budget and think that PPC advertising is going to be the best way to maximize it, you could be correct—if you keep up with the maintenance and ongoing efforts that are required for keyword advertising.
However, it all starts with your PPC advertisement, so that’s where you must first concentrate on maximizing your return on investment.
Writing keyword advertise-
ment text
Creating great landing pages
Understanding and using A/B Testing
Avoiding keyword stuffing