What Are Major Search Engines And Directories

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What Are Major Search Engines And Directories


There aren’t tons of major search engines any more. Since all of the consoli- dation in the industry, there are only a handful of really large search engines and directories. But there are hundreds of smaller ones that range from very general to very specific in nature. Those are the big ones. Secondary search engines are listed in the next section.


  • Google: www.Google.com
  • Yahoo! Directory: http://dir.yahoo.com/
  • Yahoo! Search Engine: www.yahoo.com/
  • Open Directory Project: www.dmoz.org
  • Microsoft: www.live.com
  • Ask: www.ask.com



Secondary Search Engines


The listings allowed in secondary search engines and directories can be general or specific. This list doesn’t differentiate the search engines from the directories, and they aren’t separate by types of list- ings. But there’s still a pretty comprehensive list here, so you should be able to find enough places to list your site to keep you busy for quite some time.


  • Allthe Web: www.alltheweb.com (same index as Yahoo)
  • AltaVista: www.altavista.com (same index as Yahoo!)
  • Simpli: www.simpli.com/
  • Slider: www.slider.com/
  • 7Search: http://7search.com/
  • GoClick: www.goclick.com/
  • Miva: www.miva.com/us/
  • Search123: www.search123.com/
  • SearchFeed: www.searchfeed.com
  • All the Internet: www.alltheinternet.com/
  • Windows Live: www.live.com/
  • MySearch: mysearch.com
  • Alexa: www.alexa.com/
  • HotBot: www.hotbot.com
  • Netscape: www.netscape.com
  • SearchIt: www.searchit.com/
  • Wisenut: www.wisenut.com/
  • Lycos: www.lycos.com/
  • Findtarget: www.findtarget.com/
  • Towersearch: www.towersearch.com/
  • Entireweb: www.entireweb.com/
  • com: www.livesearching.com/
  • Scrub the Web: www.scrubtheweb.com/
  • All-websearch.com: www.all-websearch.com/
  • SearchHippo: www.searchhippo.com/
  • com: www.exactseek.com/
  • com: www.information.com/
  • Nutch: www.nutch.com/
  • 123World: www.123word.com
  • ExactSeek: www.exactseek.com
  • Jayde: www.jayde.com
  • LinkMaster: www.linkmaster.com
  • Qango: www.qango.com
  • Xoron: http://xoron.com
  • ZenSearch: www.zensearch.com
  • com: www.1800miti.com
  • Aesop: www.aesop.com
  • AXXASEARCH: www.axxasearch.com
  • BigLocate: www.biglocate.com
  • Claymontt: www.claymontt.com
  • Cozy Cabin: www.cozycabin.com
  • Infotiger: www.infotiger.com
  • What USeek: www.whatuseek.com
  • Where2Go: www.where2go.com
  • SearchKing: www.searchking.com
  • Splat: www.splat.com
  • Genius Find: www.geniusfind.com
  • 01 Web Directory: www.01webdirectory.com
  • Yeandi: www.yeandi.com
  • So Much: www.somuch.com
  • Start4all: www.start4all.com
  • Wow Directory: www.wowdirectory.com
  • com: www.business.com
  • Gimpsy: www.gimpsy.com
  • Go Guides: www.goguides.org
  • Joe Ant: www.joeant.com
  • Skaffe: www.skaffe.com
  • Web-Beacon: www.web-beacon.com
  • Beaucoup!: www.beaucoup.com
  • Complete Planet: http://aip.completeplanet.com
  • LinkClix: www.linkclix.com
  • com: www.allthebizz.com
  • Find Hound: www.findhound.com
  • AbiLogic: www.abilogic.com
  • BizWeb: www.bizweb.com
  • Directory Archives: www.directory archives.com
  • Mavicanet: www.mavicanet.com
  • Re-QUEST do net: www.re-quest.net/
  • SuperSeek: www.superseek.org/
  • Web World Index: www.webworldindex.com
  • comwww.bigall.com
  • International Business Directory: www.international businessdirectory.com
  • Premium Quest: www.premiumquest.com
  • Cipinet: http://directory.cipinet.com
  • The Safety Search: www.thesafetysearch.com
  • America’s Best: www.americasbest.com
  • net: www.b2business.net/
  • com: www.1cn2000.com
  • At Home Business Portal: www.athomebusinessportal.com
  • com: www.bizweb.com
  • com: www.baminfo.com
  • Ioma: www.ioma.com
  • Christ Engine: http://christengine.com
  • Among Stars: http://amongstars.com

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